

Weekly Report #April - Week 17, 2023


This article is a record of what I have seen and heard from April 24, 2023, to April 30, 2023.

Because it's close to May Day and the peak period for using cars, I've been busy every day and getting increasingly irritable.


  1. I tried using a fitness ring, but it's really difficult. I was already out of breath after completing a small section in 10 minutes at the beginning. With my current physical condition, I can't persist, so I've put it away and let it gather dust.
  2. I bought two bottles of concentrated fruit juice, peach black tea and black currant. I also bought ASVEL's cold water bottle for cold brewing. It tastes great with AOKKA's Rwanda SOE for peach cold brew. I'm planning to make iced shaken raspberry black currant tea with oolong tea, just like what Star Dad does.
  3. I dismantled and cleaned the grinding disc and powder container of the coffee grinder. Since the original bean hopper was too big as it was for commercial use, I also removed it and directly covered it with a bamboo and wood lid. It's enough for one person.
  4. I've been memorizing vocabulary, and finally finished a vocabulary book in half a year.
  5. Lately, I've been watching "Chang Yue Jin Ming". The plot is too scattered and not coherent at all. It's a waste of my long-awaited anticipation. Now I'm starting to rewatch "Police Honor" and hoping for a second season.
  6. My good friend is getting married. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally, I'm super happy. Although I'm already prepared to be a bridesmaid, I still need to do some mental preparation.

Random Activities#

  1. Refactored the architecture of FastAPI, split the business logic, and added several commonly used interfaces. Optimized the query logic of existing interfaces.
  2. VSCode went crazy and downloaded the autopep8 plugin, which caused Python to be unable to auto-format. No matter how I modified the configuration, it didn't work. The issue was resolved by deleting the plugin.
  3. Studied "MIT-Missing-Semester" and tinkered with the Debian environment.
  4. Downloaded XiaoLangHao with Wusong Pinyin, and it's very smooth. Changed the fonts of the input method, Obsidian, VSCode, and xlog to Xialu Wenkai, which is pleasing to the eye.
  5. Changed the theme of VSCode to Dracula
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