

Weekly Report #May - Week 20, 2023


This article is a record and reflection on the life from 2023-05-15 to 2023-05-21.


  • This week, the leader suddenly invited our project team to have a meal together. It turned out to be about layoffs. Another project team has already been confirmed for layoffs, but our project seems to be able to hold on for now, at least until the end of June.
  • My luck in playing mahjong this week was okay. I kept losing in the first half, but unexpectedly started winning big in the second half. It got a bit embarrassing towards the end, but luckily I managed to stabilize and ended up with a small win that wasn't too outrageous.
  • I will continue to memorize vocabulary words this week.



Four pennies#

It means that the value or importance of something is extremely small, almost negligible. It represents a degree of insignificance to express the irrelevance of something.

Under one's own steam#

It means to act or move forward by one's own strength and motivation, without the help, input, or push from external sources. It represents independence and self-sufficiency.

This is often used to describe the state of someone or something regaining vitality and operating or moving forward independently. It is particularly applicable to situations where someone or something has recovered after difficulties or unfortunate encounters. It demonstrates a quality of resilience and self-reliance.


  • Continuing to learn MIT-Missing-Semester, I have created a dotfile configuration file repository that can be remotely deployed with a single click. I will continue to improve the configuration files in the future.


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